A beautiful 6-bedroom, 3000sq ft home set on a wide street in Chiswick, this rental is a home for our client’s family while they renovate their own home. With three young children, and the stress of a move and building works to contend with, our client was keen to get back into the daily routine as quickly as possible to allow the whole family to feel settled and happy in their new home.
A Family Home Move in Chiswick
Favourite Feature
The relaxed children’s room
Number of Hours
2 days
Services Provided
Unpacking, Organising, Styling
Number of Organisers
Our client wanted to prioritise unpacking and organising the children’s bedrooms and the kitchen, so the family could be back up and running as soon as possible after their move.
This busy family of five wanted to feel settled into their home right from the start. As it was a fairly short-term rental, they wanted to make the space work for them, rather than making too many substantial changes. We reused many of the client’s own storage boxes and baskets, complementing what she had with some new additions to maximise the function of each room.
In the kitchen we used drawer inserts to designate spaces for everything from corkscrews to cutlery, and avoid that junk drawer chaos! One of the children has severe allergies, so we created a dedicated pantry space to avoid any potential confusion, and a craft area for all of the kids’ messy art supplies.
In the bedrooms we unpacked all of the children’s clothes, sorting and storing everything that was being passed down from the eldest child to the littlest one, so that it’s ready for use when the next growth spurt or change in season hits. We unpacked and organised all of the children’s toys in their rooms and the playroom so they felt at home and settled right away.
With large built-in cupboards and ample room for growth, space was not an issue. We focused on making the space beautiful as well as functional, choosing products like woven cotton baskets to bring the client’s personality into their new home.