Our client had recently had a hip operation and wanted the kitchen redesigned to make daily tasks easier.
A User-Friendly Kitchen in Raynes Park
Favourite Feature
The extra-long acrylic pantry boxes
Number of Hours
1 day
Services Provided
Decluttering, Organising
Number of Organisers
To organise the kitchen and make it easier for our client to use.
With reduced mobility, our client found lower cupboards more challenging to grab things from. She wanted to change her kitchen layout and add storage solutions to make accessing these cupboards easier.
To prioritise space for daily items, we moved less-frequently used baking items to a higher cupboard and serveware to a display cabinet in the dining room. This meant we could create a tea and coffee zone close to the kettle to make the space more efficient.
To help our client access the back of the pantry, we used extra long boxes that matched the depth of the cupboard and could pull out, so no ingredients would get stuck at the back of the shelf.